PAT BORAN is a well-known Irish poet. Born in Portlaoise in 1963 he has long since lived in Dublin where he works in publishing. He has published more than a dozen books of poetry and prose — among them Then Again (2019), A Man is Only As Good: A Pocket Selected Poems (2017), Waveforms: Bull Island Haiku (2015), the humorous memoir The Invisible Prison (2009). Non-fiction includes the popular writers’ handbook The Portable Creative Writing Workshop. His books have been translated into half a dozen languages. The recipient of the Patrick Kavanagh Award and the US-based Lawrence O’Shaughnessy Poetry Award, he is a former presenter of The Poetry Programme and The Enchanted Way on RTÉ Radio. He has edited more than 100 books and anthologies, including (with co-editor Gerard Smyth) the bestselling If Ever You Go: A Map of Dublin in Poetry and Song (Dublin’s One City, One Book title in 2014) and, in 2020, The Word Ark: A Pocket Book of Animal Poems. He is a member of Aosdána, Ireland’s affiliation of creative artists, and a frequent broadcaster and contributor to literary events.